Edward Bedrick
Member of Executive Committee
Professor, Public Health
Analysis of observational data; Bayesian methods; Generalized linear and mixed models
Ning Hao
Member of Executive Committee
Associate Professor, Mathematics
High dimensional data; Machine learning; Change point detection
Xiaoxiao Sun
Member of Executive Committee
Associate Professor, Epidemiology and Biostatistics
Medical Imaging, Nonparamatric Modelling, Computational Biology
Xueying Tang
Member of Executive Committee
Assistant Professor, Mathematics
high dimensional Bayesian inference, latent variable models, small area estimation, psychometrics
Joseph Watkins
Vice-Chair Executive Committee
Professor, Mathematics
Limit theorems; Statistical applications in the life sciences.
Hao (Helen) Zhang
Chair, Statistics GIDP
Professor, Mathematics
Nonparametric smoothing; Model selection; Data Mining; Statistical applications in biosciences and biomedicine.
The Executive Committee assists the Chair in providing general oversight and direction for the GIDP, via the following activities:
- providing advice and counsel to the GIDP Chair regarding appointments to GIDP committees,
- preparing and submitting an annual review of Program activities and accomplishments to the Director of Graduate Interdisciplinary Programs,
- ruling on any curriculum matters brought by GIDP students,
- promoting interdepartmental awareness and supporting education and research related to the field of Statistics,
- advising the Director of Graduate Interdisciplinary Programs and the Vice President for Research on issues pertinent to the GIDP and to the field of Statistics, and
- reviewing these Bylaws annually to ensure that the GIDP structure remains modern, pertinent, and operable
Four members of the Executive Committee serve as chairs for the Program’s standing committees, (a) Recruitment and Admissions, (b) Curriculum, (c) Colloquia and Forums, and (d) Examinations Committee. The Program Vice Chair oversees Executive Committee elections, the annual progress report, and represents the program in place of the Chair as needed.
The duties of the Chair are to:
- convene and preside at meetings of the Executive Committee to be held not less than once a semester; (once a month is standard)
- help guide the efforts of the Executive Committee in acquiring University and other external resources to support the full functioning of the GIDP and effectively manage the budget and financial resources of the Program;
- convene and preside at meetings of the larger GIDP in Statistics at least once per year and otherwise as needed;
- prepare Promotion & Tenure and Continuing Review documentation for faculty members of the GIDP according to University policies and procedures;
- monitor and update catalogue and other copy of all GIDP curricular and promotional materials; and
- with the advice and counsel of the Executive Committee appoint and supervise the Standing Committees of the GIDP.